Monday, September 2, 2013


View of Pike's Peak from SDB Conference!
It was really a change in August!  Joel and I spent a week at the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference in Colorado Springs, followed by four weeks at Mission Training International (MTI) in Palmer Lake, CO with some really fabulous missionary people.  Talk about a "God thing!"  We HAD to go to MTI as part of preparation for being a missionary to Haiti.  August was our only choice with our schedules. We had NO IDEA that we would be able to attend the SDB Conference. Then, would you believe they were held concurrently in almost the same place. MTI was just 30-40 minutes north of Conference!!!!

Site of the SDB Conference sessions.

We had lots of opportunities at Conference to talk to old and new friends and family about our mission to Haiti. Of course, we handed out LOTS and LOTS of our prayer cards and RMI (Reciprocal Ministries International) brochures. It was really exciting to see friends that we hadn't seen in several years. It was also a blessing to meet Danny and Danita Lee. They provided us with a wonderful place to stay between Conference and MTI. Danita drove us up to start our training. A BIG thanks to them.

The Suttons and the Harvies
Another wonderful coincidence (not really in God's world) was that we had the opportunity to meet and spend the afternoon with Greg and Star Harvie, new RMI missionaries to Haiti. They will be our co-workers at our home at Citi Lumiere, Les Ceyes, Haiti.  They just "happened" to be in Colorado Springs visiting family when we were there. We had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with them, sharing over ummm-good ice cream. By the way, they are in Haiti now. Pray for them as they adjust to the new role, the culture, and learn Creole.

Missionaries in Training at MTI - August 2013
MTI provided an opportunity to learn different techniques to learn languages, but not specific languages. With missionaries headed to China, Uganda, Bangladesh, Thailand, Turkey, India, Romania, Brazil, Albania, Spain, and Indonesia (sorry if I forgot someone), a specific language was not the goal.  We drew pictures and walked around checking placement of our tongues on our palate and our teeth and making silly sounds like "Ba! Ba!"  Although a little frustrating for we "older adults," we were encouraged to hear that we can STILL LEARN a language, just at a turtle's pace.  We also learned about stress, conflict, and dealing with others on the mission field, just like in marriages and in your stateside jobs.  But, the hardest part was saying goodbye to everyone! We were thankful to have a few extra times with the Brown family before they left for the field since they were staying in Ocala, not far from us.

Chris, Michelle Sutton and Family
Another great happening was spending some of our "down time" with Joel's cousin, Chris and his wife and family. They live outside of Colorado Springs. One evening they drove to MTI and took us to one of the best Italian restaurants ever!  If you are in Colorado Springs, we highly recommend it! We also were able to go to their beautiful home in the mountains and enjoy an afternoon with them. Joel and Chris actually beat the younger guys at horseshoes! You can take the boy out of West Virginia, but you can't take West Virginia out of the boy!

Then, reality hit and we headed back to Florida and work while some of the others headed to their mission fields.  Although rather sad not to be leaving for the field yet, God has perfect timing and has a plan for us (Proverbs 16:9).

View from the back of the MTI Training facility.

Showing Thanks for What God Does for Us.